Sof Drink Pineapple


I haven't had a Sof Drink soft drink in a while, and they impressed me with their cream soda, a style I normally don't favor, so let's see what they can do with pineapple.  As you can see it's extremely yellow, number 5 according to the ingredients.  The ingredients get a plus for sugar, a minus for sodium benzoate, and a curiosity about the "artificial and natural flavorings" which makes up the rest of the list.  This is one case where only a few ingredients might not pan out well.

It smells like a dull pineapple Life Saver, and that concerned me.  The flavor isn't much better.  It's not awful, but it's not impressive either.  Very clean for a pineapple, but not clean enough.  It even has a mild carbonation, but that's not enough to save it.  There's still that "sticky" taste going on, which is odd considering there is no HFCS.  If they would have been able to make this as crisp as their cream soda, a feat still unmatched, then there might be something to pull this one out of mediocrity, but alas, no.
