Sonic's The Reaper Spicy Margarita Mocktail
/Virgil’s Zero Sugar Lemon Lime
/I don’t usually focus on sugar free sodas, but I’ll review any soda handed to me… eventually. This can of Virgil’s Zero Sugar Lemon Lime was handed to me a few months ago, but its time to shine (hopefully) is now. For those of you unfamiliar with the Virgil’s Zero Sugar line let me break it down. Virgil’s has a line of Zero Sugar sodas…. OH! They’re also All-Natural. That’s pretty much it. Last time I had the Root Beer and was very impressed with what I tasted. Today is Lemon Lime. Lemon Lime is a flavor that lends itself a bit better than root beer to being sugar free, so I’m hopeful for what’s ahead.
Read MoreCoca-Cola Orange Vanilla
/The first I heard of Coca-Cola Orange Vanilla I was skeptical. The cola/orange pairing didn’t seem like it would work. I thought it would be too messy for the vanilla to navigate around. Now that I have it in front of me I’m kind of excited. Coca-Cola is a huge company, and they don’t release new flavors like this often. I’m sure the market research and taste tests for this new flavor point to it being a success. Why would they make it otherwise?
Read MoreGrapefruit Kiss
/I’ve never heard of the soda Grapefruit Kiss before, but here it sits in front of me in a beautifully labeled glass bottle. It looks as if it was designed in the 60’s or 70’s and its cane sugar sweetener keeps in step with the style. I haven’t always liked grapefruit sodas, but they have quickly become a favorite of mine in moderation. Here’s hoping that Grapefruit Kiss is a memorable one for all the right reasons.
Read MoreCanada Dry Ginger Ale and Lemonade
/The video review of the New Canada Dry Ginger Ale and Lemonade
Read MoreFresca Black Cherry Citrus
/Ok, perhaps I should go into a bit more detail. For those unaware, Fresca is made by Coca-Cola and is a citrus flavored beverage that favors grapefruit. I like Fresca, not as an all-the-time drink but every now and again I enjoy it. My enjoyment of Fresca directly correlates to how old I feel. “Wow, this is a refreshing, unique beverage…. Good God I feel like I’m 107”. I’m not sure why this occurs, but I associate the beverage with older people. A citizen of the Carbo-Nation handed me a Fresca I’d never seen before, Fresca Black Cherry Citrus, and I knew I had to try it
Read MoreMTN Dew Ice
/MTN Dew Ice is relatively new, so I figured why not do video reviews for recently released sodas. Who knows if this will stick? Not even me! Hope you enjoy the review.
Read MoreMTN DEW Game Fuel - Arctic Burst
/In clearing out my backlog of sodas that I need to review I came across a variety of Mountain (stock symbol MTN) Dew (stock symbol DEW). MTN DEW as many of you are aware is known for their somewhat experimental nature with sodas which is certainly something I applaud them for. Their army of soda flavors and penchant for change is a strength in the soda world in my opinion. Not all of the flavors are a hit with me, but guess what, I’m not the only person in the world who drinks soda so that’s A-OK.
Read MoreLa Gloria Sicilian Lemon
/I’m fortunate to be surrounded by kind people. One of those said kind people, Blue Rumer as she’ll be referred to, went to Spain. Blue Rumer went to Spain and brought me back a soda, a sparkling lemonade to be exact called la Gloria Sicilian Lemon. Anytime I consume a beverage from another country it’s like a miniature vacation for my face. Here is where I thank Blue Rumer for the tiny bottle of sparkling lemonade, the miniature face vacation, and get on with the review at hand.
/I didn’t think I’d be writing a review of 7UP, but here we are. Back in 2011 I reviewed Retro 7UP, the cane sugar sweetened version of what I’m about to drink. Since 7UP, in it’s most common state, is filled with HFCS it felt needed to included on the site. Is this considered stat padding? Perhaps… but it’s different enough to count, just like you. There, don’t you feel motivated now?
Opening the can created a thunderous crack, much more so than any cans I can remember opening in recent memory. The scent that wafts out is a familiar one, more crisp lime than lemon but so bright a smell that it’s hard to not just call it citrus. Let’s drink, shall we?
A somewhat sticky lime/lemon taste immediately coats my mouth. Through no fault of it’s own I remember being sick. You see, 7UP was the “go to” cure all for an upset stomach in my house as a kid, often paired with a sleeve of Ritz crackers. So while 7UP is by far and away my favorite of the mainstream lemon/lime sodas, there is also the curtain of sick nostalgia that weighs it down.
The sips begin with a sharp burn on the back of my throat, and after three or four a burp is summoned burning just a little bit more skin off the ol’ uvula. The lemon and lime play nicely together, sharing my tastebuds equally. The aftertaste is sticky, but pleasant. It mirrors the initial flavor of the beverage instead of being some fun house mirror version of it. All in all I still enjoy the occasional 7UP and often keep it stocked in my fridge along side the Dr Pepper. Are they the fanciest sodas around? No, of course not, but they hold strong in my own personal culture.
Lipton Sparkling Iced Tea Citrus Green Tea
/So for the 800th review I decided to go with tea. While the green and silver can of Lipton Sparkling Iced Tea really called to me it was the Citrus Green Tea flavor that sealed the deal. For those not in the know, Lipton is a brand synonymous with instant tea here in the ol’ U.S. of A. It’s not of super high quality, but you can get a dang good iced tea out of it when you need one.
Read MoreDirty Girl Skip Orange Cream
/A tattooed young woman (we’ll assume her name is Lydia) stands in front of an American muscle car. That’s the label for my orange cream soda that sits before me. Honestly, it’s what got me to pick it up… well that and the name. Dirty Girl Skip Orange Cream. There’s so much in that name that intrigues me.
Read MoreCrystal Pepsi
/Well, it’s happened. My soda powers have culminated and the three sodas I wished back onto this plane of reality are here. First Surge, then Sprite Re-Mix, and now Crystal Pepsi. If there are any other extinct sodas out there you’d like me to channel back into existence just shoot me an e-mail.
Read MoreDiabolo Mint Lemonade
/Diabolo makes me immediately think of the words diabolical and diablo. Neither of these words are all that positive, unless of course it’s in reference to the video game Diablo which is pretty fantastic. Diabolo, as you might have guessed, is a soda brand and the flavor at hand today is Mint Lemonade.
Read MoreTizer
/Another British soda is at my hand today, Tizer. All I know about Tizer is that it has a “Fruit Stripe Gum” look to its can design, is “The Great British Pop”, and only cost 49p. It sweetened with sugar aaaaaand that’s about it. Oh, it also calls itself a “Sparkling Mixed Flavour Soft Drink with Sugar and Sweeteners”. Just gets your mouth watering, doesn’t it?
Read MoreExcel Lemonade
/I have a couple questions about Excel Lemonade, but I’ll answer yours first. “Why are you reviewing a non-carbonated beverage, Aaron?” Well thank you for asking. I’m reviewing this non-carbonated beverage because the fine folks at Excel included it in their care package to me. I may not like every soda I try, but that’s just part of the job. Being rude and not trying what I’m sent is not part of the job… although one did get thrown away by someone else and I’m trying to find a replacement, but that’s a story for another time.
Read MoreMist Twst
/I don’t normally review mainstream sodas, but I felt it important to follow the saga that is Sierra Mist. When Sierra Mist came out it was Pepsi’s version of a clear citrus soda not called Slice. Sierra Mist was alright in my mind, better than Sprite, worse than 7Up, but still an acceptable choice.
Read MoreCherry Ski
/A while back I was given a bottle of Ski soda. Ski is a citrus soda not unlike Mtn Dew or Sundrop, but favors the lime flavor a bit more than those two. Cherry Ski, which is our selection today, is listed as being cherry flavored citrus soda as opposed to just cherry.
Read MoreShasta Orange
/Oh, the dollar store. How kind of you to sell me four cans of Shasta Orange for $1. This could be acid, but I only paid 25 cents for it… so who cares?! The bright orange can tells me that Shasta Orange also has Vitamin C in it. I’d pay 25 cents for some Vitamin C in my life, who wouldn’t? People with scurvy that’s who.
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