Bai Lambari Watermelon Lime

Bai Lambari Watermelon Lime

Unexpected, but sweet.  Like a water balloon fight with your grandma.”

In a font the same size as the flavor of the drink, that’s what the makers of Bai - Lambari Watermelon Lime want you to know about their beverage.  This stylish black can with minimalistic design caught my eye at the store.  According to the can it’s not a soda it’s a “sparkling antioxidant infusion”.  You’re a non-alcoholic, carbonated, flavored beverage; that’s a soda in our book.

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Saborsazo Manzana Fresca

Saborsazo Manzana Fresca

Who here has never had an apple soda?  If your arm is up I applaud your dedication to this bit and suggest you try an apple soda this week.  Pepsi makes one called Manzanita Sol that should be fairly easy to get if you can’t find one from a Mexican bottling company.  Apple sodas are good and are rarely as sweet as your berry flavored carbonated beverages.  They’re usually smooth, refreshing, and hold a somewhat natural taste to apples.  What I have in front of me today is an apple soda, specifically one called Saborsazo Manzana Fresca. 

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Saborsazo Limon

Saborsazo Limon

This review is a review of firsts for me.  I’ve never used my phone as a mobile hotspot until now and I’ve never typed a review in my car until now.  How will this affect the overall quality of the review?  Read on to find out.  Today we’re going to tackle a drink I already have an opinion on, Saborsazo Limon.  I bought this soda from HEB a while back, possibly last year, but after consuming it didn’t want to write about it… I just wanted more.  I’ve had probably twenty cans of the stuff since then, but with my new push to put out content for the site felt it was time to jump this the biggest of hurdles.

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I didn’t think I’d be writing a review of 7UP, but here we are. Back in 2011 I reviewed Retro 7UP, the cane sugar sweetened version of what I’m about to drink. Since 7UP, in it’s most common state, is filled with HFCS it felt needed to included on the site. Is this considered stat padding? Perhaps… but it’s different enough to count, just like you. There, don’t you feel motivated now?

The green tail of a plastic iguana wraps around a 7.5 ounce can of 7-UP.

Opening the can created a thunderous crack, much more so than any cans I can remember opening in recent memory. The scent that wafts out is a familiar one, more crisp lime than lemon but so bright a smell that it’s hard to not just call it citrus. Let’s drink, shall we?

A somewhat sticky lime/lemon taste immediately coats my mouth. Through no fault of it’s own I remember being sick. You see, 7UP was the “go to” cure all for an upset stomach in my house as a kid, often paired with a sleeve of Ritz crackers. So while 7UP is by far and away my favorite of the mainstream lemon/lime sodas, there is also the curtain of sick nostalgia that weighs it down.

The sips begin with a sharp burn on the back of my throat, and after three or four a burp is summoned burning just a little bit more skin off the ol’ uvula. The lemon and lime play nicely together, sharing my tastebuds equally. The aftertaste is sticky, but pleasant. It mirrors the initial flavor of the beverage instead of being some fun house mirror version of it. All in all I still enjoy the occasional 7UP and often keep it stocked in my fridge along side the Dr Pepper. Are they the fanciest sodas around? No, of course not, but they hold strong in my own personal culture.


Dirty Girl Skip Orange Cream

Dirty Girl Skip Orange Cream

A tattooed young woman (we’ll assume her name is Lydia) stands in front of an American muscle car.  That’s the label for my orange cream soda that sits before me.  Honestly, it’s what got me to pick it up… well that and the name.  Dirty Girl Skip Orange Cream.  There’s so much in that name that intrigues me.

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Ramune Lychee

Ramune Lychee

I don’t know what lychee tastes like.  The more worldly fellow in front of me compares it to passionfruit… kind of.  Fortunately for me I have a bottle of Ramune Lychee with me today so I can at least expand that horizon.  I’ve already been told that this has a good carbonation by the aforementioned fellow, so it at least has that going for it.

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Sprite Tropical Mix

Sprite Tropical Mix

I was asked years ago what “retired” sodas I would bring back if given the opportunity.  My answer was Surge, Crystal Pepsi, and Sprite Tropical Re-mix.  Apparently my answer was then run through a series of computers and control groups which found it to be profitable because all of these sodas from my past exist again.

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Another British soda is at my hand today, Tizer.  All I know about Tizer is that it has a “Fruit Stripe Gum” look to its can design, is “The Great British Pop”, and only cost 49p.  It sweetened with sugar aaaaaand that’s about it.  Oh, it also calls itself a “Sparkling Mixed Flavour Soft Drink with Sugar and Sweeteners”.  Just gets your mouth watering, doesn’t it?

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Excel Lemonade

Excel Lemonade

I have a couple questions about Excel Lemonade, but I’ll answer yours first.  “Why are you reviewing a non-carbonated beverage, Aaron?”  Well thank you for asking.  I’m reviewing this non-carbonated beverage because the fine folks at Excel included it in their care package to me.  I may not like every soda I try, but that’s just part of the job.  Being rude and not trying what I’m sent is not part of the job… although one did get thrown away by someone else and I’m trying to find a replacement, but that’s a story for another time.

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Million Dollar Grape

Million Dollar Grape

I thought I was done with the assortment of sodas that Excel sent me, but plunging my hand in the ol’ cardboard got me one more… Million Dollar Grape.  That’s a lot of money associated with a grape soda or any beverage for that matter, so I’m hoping they can back it up.  It is sweetened with “Pure Cane Sugar” so that’s worth at least a couple of dollars, right?  I’m not sure it’s made it to a million just yet, perhaps the taste will make up the difference.

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O-Zell Cherry Jubilee

O-Zell Cherry Jubilee

I am not feeling this review today… which means I probably shouldn’t do it.  The creative juices aren’t flowing, I don’t really want a soda right now, and even these sentences are just to fill up space.  Yet, there’s some part of me that is hoping that once I open this bottle of O-Zell Cherry Jubilee my mood will improve and I’ll be singing its praises as my creativity is renewed.

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Sipp Summer Pear

Sipp Summer Pear

I like pears; I like green tea; I like honey.  If all those statements are true, which they are, then I should like Sipp Summer Pear.  Those three ingredients are all accounted for in this bottle to my right.  The other ingredients listed are carbonated water, organic agave nectar, citric acid, and natural flavor.  While I’ve never been good about this vague “Natural Flavor” ingredient, when surrounded by stars like that I care a lot less.

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Lucky Cherry Cola

Lucky Cherry Cola

Thanks to the Excel Bottling Company I’m able to try another soda that’s new to my palate.  While I’ve tried Lucky Club Cola I haven’t had the opportunity to try Lucky Cherry Cola.  Lucky Cherry Cola is a pure cane sugar soda that has “True Fruit & Spice” listed as an ingredient.  I don’t know what that means, but it sure seems impressive.

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The Original Green River

The Original Green River

It’s always a little risky to pick up a drink that doesn’t display the flavor on the bottle.  I’m taking a little bit of a risk today trying The Original Green River.  It’s a green soda with a serene label of the sun setting/rising over a green river.  The bottle also informs me that Green River has been “Caffeine free Since 1919”.  

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