Sprecher Cherry-Cran

Sprecher Cherry-Cran

I thought I’d tried every Sprecher soda out there, but thankfully I haven’t.  Sprecher makes some of the most consistently great soda out there and has wonderful label art to boot.  Today’s flavor offering is Cherry-Cran (sweetened with a combination of glucose syrup and honey), which is sounds a bit odd if you ask me.  Normally when “Cran” is involved it gets first billing, like Cran-Apple or Cran-Grape.  Perhaps Ocean Spray has just made my brain accept that this is the normal order of things.  Well here comes Sprecher to throw chaos into the mix with their Cherry-Cran taste, and I’m quite pleased to try it.

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Jackson Hole Soda - Grand Teton Grape

Jackson Hole Soda - Grand Teton Grape

My fifth grade teacher was talking to us about the Grand Teton Mountain Range.  I’m not sure why, I just remember the subject being discussed.  At the end of the conversation she told us “Do you know what Grand Teton means?  It means large *makes motion with hands that would make anyone think breasts*”.  I’m not sure why she told us that, if it was a giggle test to check our maturity or if she just wanted to make learning cool.  Either way it stuck with me, though there’s a chance it was named after the Teton Sioux tribe instead.  

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Private Selection - Huckleberry Hibiscus Cream Soda

Private Selection - Huckleberry Hibiscus Cream Soda

The final bottle of Private Selection (Kroger Brand) soda is upon us.  Huckleberry Hibiscus Cream Soda is the flavor on hand and I’ve saved it for last for a reason.  I’m often intimidated by flower flavored beverages.  You tell me something tastes like cherry I know what to expect.  Cola?  You bet, I have several examples of that in my mind.  Sarsaparilla is where it begins to get a little fuzzy, but I still feel confident enough to write on it.  Rose, Hibiscus, or Lemongrass… I really reach to put my thoughts on paper.

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MTN DEW Game Fuel - Arctic Burst

MTN DEW Game Fuel - Arctic Burst

In clearing out my backlog of sodas that I need to review I came across a variety of Mountain (stock symbol MTN) Dew (stock symbol DEW).  MTN DEW as many of you are aware is known for their somewhat experimental nature with sodas which is certainly something I applaud them for. Their army of soda flavors and penchant for change is a strength in the soda world in my opinion.  Not all of the flavors are a hit with me, but guess what, I’m not the only person in the world who drinks soda so that’s A-OK.

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Private Selection - Creamy Ginger Root Beer

Private Selection - Creamy Ginger Root Beer

Another day, another bottle of Private Selection soda from Kroger.  The past few bottles have been honest in their flavor which is appreciated.  Today’s offering is Creamy Ginger Root Beer.  From the name alone I’m fairly excited to taste this one.  I like creamy sodas, I like ginger sodas, I like root sodas, and I like beer sodas.  Perhaps my breakdown is a little off, but you get the jist.  Here’s hoping this soda’s “title” isn’t the only delectable portion.

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Private Selection - Irish Cream: Cream Soda

Private Selection - Irish Cream: Cream Soda

“Howdy” to all the citizens of the Carbo-Nation!  It’s 2018 and we’ve got some new sodas to review.  First things first we’re going to continue visiting some of the Private Selection (read: Kroger) brand sodas I picked up a while back.  They all seem to be non-alcoholic sodas themed to be like alcoholic sodas.  It’s an odd pairing, but they’ve been pretty spot on so far with their flavor creation.

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Private Selection - Bourbon Barrel Cola

Private Selection - Bourbon Barrel Cola

It’s been awhile since I’ve reviewed a cola, so when I ventured out into the wilds and found myself in a Kroger I was hopeful.  On the far end of the soda aisle, where the “fancy” sodas live, I saw a grouping of Private Selection brand beverages.  Private Selection is a Kroger brand, but they do a good job keeping their name off the bottle and go with a simple, elegant design.  Fortunately for me one of the Private Selection sodas is a cola, specifically Bourbon Barrel Cola.

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Lester’s Fixins Ranch Dressing Soda

Lester’s Fixins Ranch Dressing Soda

I’m not going to hem and haw all that much here.  I’m about to drink a Ranch Dressing Soda by Lester’s Fixins.  With a surprisingly short ingredient list of Carbonated Water, Sugar, Sodium Benzoate, gum acacia, natural flavor, and ester gum, I’m a little impressed/concerned.  Let’s just get to it.

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