Excel Lemonade

Excel Lemonade

I have a couple questions about Excel Lemonade, but I’ll answer yours first.  “Why are you reviewing a non-carbonated beverage, Aaron?”  Well thank you for asking.  I’m reviewing this non-carbonated beverage because the fine folks at Excel included it in their care package to me.  I may not like every soda I try, but that’s just part of the job.  Being rude and not trying what I’m sent is not part of the job… although one did get thrown away by someone else and I’m trying to find a replacement, but that’s a story for another time.

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Million Dollar Grape

Million Dollar Grape

I thought I was done with the assortment of sodas that Excel sent me, but plunging my hand in the ol’ cardboard got me one more… Million Dollar Grape.  That’s a lot of money associated with a grape soda or any beverage for that matter, so I’m hoping they can back it up.  It is sweetened with “Pure Cane Sugar” so that’s worth at least a couple of dollars, right?  I’m not sure it’s made it to a million just yet, perhaps the taste will make up the difference.

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Rocket Fizz Chocolate Soda

Rocket Fizz Chocolate Soda

I recently reviewed Rocket Fizz All Natural Chocolate Soda; today I have a bottle of Rocket Fizz Chocolate Soda.  I’m not really sure why this one isn’t considered all natural unless it’s the inclusion of “caramel color”.  All other listed ingredients are natural, right down to the vague “natural flavor”.  Would they really make a completely different soda where the only difference is coloring?

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Frostop Vanilla Caramel Creme Soda

Frostop Vanilla Caramel Creme Soda

“Great Creme Brulee Taste” says the bottle I purchased.  That’s not typically something you see on the label of any liquid, much less a soda.  Frostop Vanilla Caramel Creme Soda feels it mirrors the creme brulee taste well enough to broadcast it though.  This is just one of the ways how Frostop Vanilla Caramel Creme Soda does a great job in presenting itself.

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Rocket Fizz All Natural Chocolate Soda

Rocket Fizz All Natural Chocolate Soda

The soda I’m about to consume is made with real cocoa.  Rocket Fizz All Natural Chocolate Soda is what’s at hand and I kinda want to skip all the fluff and take a swig.  I’ll of course do that, but the parchment like label complete with “wax seal” make me giggle.  That’s how you know it’s fancy, because there’s a picture of a wax seal.  Good stuff.

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Idris Fiery Ginger Beer

Idris Fiery Ginger Beer

My soda is taunting me.  “Try me if you dare!!”  So emphatic that they had to use two exclamation points.  They even incorporate a devil’s tail into the font.  Idris Fiery Ginger Beer is what’s threatening me today.  It’s sweetened with sugar and has real deal ginger root extract in it as well.  This also may have one of the most amusing ingredients I’ve ever seen…”Flavouring”. 

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Nella Bella Chocolate Almond Fizz

Nella Bella Chocolate Almond Fizz

The artwork on this bottle of Nella Bella Chocolate Almond Fizz is beautiful.  A grove of white trees standing starkly against a blue sky.  The words “Nella Bella” glowing as the sun peers over the first “E”.  Even the flavor intrigues me.  Chocolate Almond Fizz sounds like a delicious candy, yet this soda only has 10 grams of sugar because it’s also sweetened with Stevia.

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O-Zell Cherry Jubilee

O-Zell Cherry Jubilee

I am not feeling this review today… which means I probably shouldn’t do it.  The creative juices aren’t flowing, I don’t really want a soda right now, and even these sentences are just to fill up space.  Yet, there’s some part of me that is hoping that once I open this bottle of O-Zell Cherry Jubilee my mood will improve and I’ll be singing its praises as my creativity is renewed.

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Sipp Summer Pear

Sipp Summer Pear

I like pears; I like green tea; I like honey.  If all those statements are true, which they are, then I should like Sipp Summer Pear.  Those three ingredients are all accounted for in this bottle to my right.  The other ingredients listed are carbonated water, organic agave nectar, citric acid, and natural flavor.  While I’ve never been good about this vague “Natural Flavor” ingredient, when surrounded by stars like that I care a lot less.

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Lucky Cherry Cola

Lucky Cherry Cola

Thanks to the Excel Bottling Company I’m able to try another soda that’s new to my palate.  While I’ve tried Lucky Club Cola I haven’t had the opportunity to try Lucky Cherry Cola.  Lucky Cherry Cola is a pure cane sugar soda that has “True Fruit & Spice” listed as an ingredient.  I don’t know what that means, but it sure seems impressive.

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Tommyknocker Almond Creme

Tommyknocker Almond Creme

You know I’m a sucker for fun label art, right?  Well Tommyknocker Almond Creme has tickled my fancy with their dwarfish looking miner holding a foaming mug.  He looks so happy, almost Santa like in his serenity.  While his face doesn’t show the markings of working underground you can tell he’s pleased with his drink choice.

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The Original Green River

The Original Green River

It’s always a little risky to pick up a drink that doesn’t display the flavor on the bottle.  I’m taking a little bit of a risk today trying The Original Green River.  It’s a green soda with a serene label of the sun setting/rising over a green river.  The bottle also informs me that Green River has been “Caffeine free Since 1919”.  

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