Who is Mike?

There’s only one other person out there that can claim to be a “Soda Jerk”, and his name is Mike. That is of course ignoring everyone who actually held the position at a soda fountain, but you know what I mean.

On March 25, 2008, Mike came over to watch some anime and eat pizza. I’d mentioned to him that I saw a four pack of root beer at the grocery store earlier that day for $8, which seemed unbelievable to me. Mike said we should go get it. What if it’s the best root beer we’ve ever had?

It was. Virgil’s Root Beer (the formula they used in 2008) was the BEST root beer we’d ever had. I was so surprised and upset with myself that I almost didn’t try it because the price was a little higher than I expected. I thought we should tell people about it. Mike suggested we start a soda review site and I registered it on LiveJournal that night and wrote up the Virgil review. Eventually we moved the site to where it is now and the rest is history.

Mike stopped writing reviews a decade ago. Life got busy, as it often does, and passions change. Either way we’ll always have his review of Extenze Male Enhancement Soda.