Cry Baby Sour Mini Drinks

So my mother-in-law is fairly amazing.  She can produce food at the drop of a hat.  Oh, you showed up unannounced?  Let me just pull all these pork chops out of the oven and have four sides to go with it.  She's stopping over for a visit?  Better make room in the fridge.  Mostly it's practical food stuffs that you can eat for a meal.  The other day she brought a pack of Cry Baby Sour Mini Drinks and I knew I had to review them.  They're you're basic wax bottle filled with liquid candy, but they're sour!  Thankfully there are five flavors so it's time to write some blurbs!

Hi, Twist!

Hi, Twist!

Blastin Blue Raspberry - On the sour scale it's slightly less than an actual lemon. The flavor is definitely identifiable too which is nice.  Thankfully these wax bottles are pretty thick so I'm able to consume these without worry of mess.  All in all, it was pretty good...albeit tiny.

Chargin Cherry - Slightly less sour than the Blue Raspberry, of course "Blastin'" is above "Chargin" in the candy adjective scale.  I enjoy the cherry taste better than the Raspberry, but Blastin Blue seemed more true to it's flavor.

Overload Orange - The least sour of the three thus far.  Tastes more like tangerine soda with a bite.  Still quite tasty, but the most boring of the ones I've tasted.

Lightning Lemon - This is still less sour than an actual lemon, but does an ok job replicating the a burst of Pine-Sol goodness.  Due to it's similairity to lemonade it's the most refreshing thus far.

Lectric Lime - Ok, the lime is delicious!  It's more of a key lime than lime lime.  There's a sweetness that was absent in the others and I'm really enjoying it.  Definitely the best of the bunch.  

Ok, the final tally is in and here are the results:

  1. Lectric Lime

  2. Chargin Cherry

  3. Overload Orange

  4. Lightning Lemon

  5. Blastin Blue Raspberry.

I know I know, controversy abound!  Well sleep on it and see if you don't still hate me in the morning.
