30P Energy Drink (Fan Review)

30P Energy Drink (Fan Review)

The 30p energy drink has recently gone down in price by 5 pence. Anyone who lives in the UnitedKingdom and visits this blog will know the infamous 35p energy drink as it frequents the shelves of every single corner shop in the UK. It is made by the company Booker retail, who also owns a lot of the franchise names, such as Londis and Premier, where these drinks are sold. At a time when, it seems, every solitary product, whether it is a loaf of bread, bottle of milk or can of coke, seems to be creeping up in price, but the faithful 30p energy drink not only stays the same, but has reduced in price.

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B63 (Fan Review!)

    I seldom receive the opportunity to review an energy drink from outside the United States. Off the top of my head, I can only recall Ubershot and Hype Energy Drink as the only foreign beverages I have had the pleasure of consuming. I am pleased to announce that they both did well, especially Ubershot, which is probably the 2nd or 3rd greatest energy shot I have tried. Now, the opportunity to review a foreign drink has presented itself yet again. This number comes from Switzerland, a beautiful country 4,000 miles from where I reside. Thankfully, the shipment was successful and I found it on my doorstep within a week or so.

    Inside the box that contained my samples of B63, as it’s called, were two six-packs of the beverage along with a stylish t-shirt, which I happen to be wearing right now. The packaging is, I must admit, relatively generic. It utilizes the well-known 8 ounce aluminum can with blue and red colors. This had me worried. I was starting to get some concern over what the flavor might be, and I really started to hope it wasn’t a Red Bull clone.

    Please don’t taste like Red Bull, please don’t taste like Red Bull, I thought as I heard the unmistakable click, pop of the aluminum cracking open. Desperately hoping for something unique and different, I took my first swig. Unfortunately, my hopes and desires fell way short. I instantaneously noticed the all too familiar flavor of the world’s most popular energy drink. Yes, it is palatable and it has a nice flavor, but it is still frustrating to think that they can’t formulate a unique flavor profile file. Actually, anything different from Red Bull would have been satisfactory.

     Inside each can of B63, you will find the traditional ingredients. A plethora of B Vitamins along with 80 milligrams of caffeine and 1,000 milligrams of taurine are what powers this Scandinavian drink. This is adequate enough to provide a decent amount of effectiveness from the overseas beverage.

    For all of you Swiss readers of The Soda Jerks, I’m quite sure that you have seen this energy drink. Unless I am greatly mistaken, this appears to be your version of Red Bull. If you’ve ever tried Red Bull, then you already know what it tastes like. I say try it if you like Red Bull, but don’t expect something different.



Duff Energy Drink (Fan Review!)

Fans of animated TV should recognize the iconic drink simply named “Duff”.  Portrayed as an alcoholic beverage in its brightly colored native environment the real life version is an energy drink, or at least the version I have.  Apprehensive as to what Duff Energy Drink might be made of, and even more apprehensive of what it might taste like, I grabbed one of the cans in the cooler before me and began to read the label.  Ingredients common to the energy drink world populated the FDA mandated list and included things like HFCS, Taurine, Ginseng Root Extract, and a variety of other substances.  Considering the fact that I have encountered similar components in other energy drinks I decide to do a review and see what this Duff tastes like.

So with the all-to-familiar theme music stuck in my head I open the top and take a swig.  It tastes surprisingly decent.  Honestly I was expecting far worse.  The taste is very slight and most resembles lemon-lime.  So I take another swig.  The carbonation remains strong as does the taste.  The taste does grow a little stale the more I drink.  No after taste is left in my mouth which is a bonus.  The sent is almost nonexistent and mirrors the lemon-lime taste.  So I finish the can and feel a little more energy coursing through my veins than I did before.  Hey Barney let’s have another!


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Hype Energy Drink (Fan Review!)

Hello Everyone! My name is Avery, and I will be writing a guest review for The Soda Jerks. I feel very venerated to be able to compose a review for such a lovely website. But before I get a little too supercilious, let’s check out the drink I will be reviewing.

Straight from the depths of the Netherlands comes the energy drink known as Hype. When I started reviewing energy drinks back in the ancient times of 2009 Hype Energy Drinks was a brand that I absolutely had to review. This was mostly due to some popular reviewer giving it an extremely high rating for taste. Email after email, I desperately tried to secure some samples of this drink, but I did not succeed. Miraculously, just last week I received an email from Hype asking if they could send samples. Rather than angrily typing out that I sent them several previous emails, I graciously accepted the package.

When it arrived, I was simply awestruck by the impeccable, sophisticated, and downright gorgeous product display. Instead of simply wrapping their cans in bubble wrap, the folks at Hype Energy put their cans in a sleek, black box. Each can being in their own little compartment. Fantastic! I proceeded to remove Hype Original from its compartment and examine the can. It certainly is not the greatest looking can I’ve ever laid eyes on, but with its vivid and attention-getting blue can with eye-catching silver letters, it should have no trouble popping off the shelf.

 Needless to say, I couldn’t wait any longer and simply had to take a few sips. I must admit, I was expecting a Red Bull clone, but fortunately Hype is so much more than that. Yes, it does have that same tartness that Red Bull has, but the flavor is actually an indescribable mixture of berries. Some individuals may not enjoy this, but I thought it was very unique. It isn’t the world’s greatest tasting energy drink, but it still manages to bring something new to the table. And after all, isn’t that what you really want in a world full of Red Bull clones? I say, if you see this in your local grocery store, do not be afraid to give it a try. You might like it.

Like what you see here from Avery?  Look at so much more of it on his website Addicted 2 Energy!

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Did scrolling down the length of this beverage make you feel naughty?