MTN Dew Zero Sugar

MTN Dew Zero Sugar

I normally avoid diet or zero sugar sodas because they aren’t something I’d drink on my own.  The more I think about it though, the less sense it makes. They are only getting more popular and tasting more and more like “the real thing”.  The one energy drink I consume is a zero sugar beverage so instead of fighting the sucralose wave I might as well attempt to surf it. As I paddle my board out there I see today’s offering, Mtn Dew Zero Sugar.

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Sprite Winter Spiced Cranberry

Sprite Winter Spiced Cranberry

In Houston the leaves are changing from green to brown, with no beautiful in between.  It now gets dark at 6pm and it’s currently 73 degrees outside. This is what Autumn looks like around these parts.  We all play along adorning our yards with gourds and scarecrows. Thanksgiving is on the horizon, putting a cornucopia of food ideas within my brain.  One of those foods is the humble cranberry. Sometimes fresh, sometimes in the shape of a can, it’s all cranberry to me. The cranberry I’ll be reviewing today is in the shape of a can… in the shape of a Sprite can that is.  H’yuk, H’yuk.

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here needs to be more Halloween themed sodas.  This isn’t a particularly controversial stance, but more voices need to speak up about this.  Soda is liquid sugar. Halloween is the sugariest holiday. Why shouldn’t they be together forever? Thankfully, Mtn Dew has done their part over the years making Pitch Black and Pitch Black 2.  The latter of which had mixed reviews. Fortunately, this year they decided puns were scary and created VooDEW.

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Virgil’s Zero Sugar Lemon Lime

Virgil’s Zero Sugar Lemon Lime

I don’t usually focus on sugar free sodas, but I’ll review any soda handed to me… eventually. This can of Virgil’s Zero Sugar Lemon Lime was handed to me a few months ago, but its time to shine (hopefully) is now. For those of you unfamiliar with the Virgil’s Zero Sugar line let me break it down. Virgil’s has a line of Zero Sugar sodas…. OH! They’re also All-Natural. That’s pretty much it. Last time I had the Root Beer and was very impressed with what I tasted. Today is Lemon Lime. Lemon Lime is a flavor that lends itself a bit better than root beer to being sugar free, so I’m hopeful for what’s ahead.

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Coca-Cola Orange Vanilla

Coca-Cola Orange Vanilla

The first I heard of Coca-Cola Orange Vanilla I was skeptical. The cola/orange pairing didn’t seem like it would work. I thought it would be too messy for the vanilla to navigate around. Now that I have it in front of me I’m kind of excited. Coca-Cola is a huge company, and they don’t release new flavors like this often. I’m sure the market research and taste tests for this new flavor point to it being a success. Why would they make it otherwise?

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Apple Sidra

Apple Sidra

I enjoy apple soda, so when a co-worker brought me a can of Apple Sidra I knew I was likely in for a treat. The design of the can is beautifully simple. As you can see it’s a picture of an apple on a bright yellow background with the words “Apple Sidra” bisecting the fruit itself.

Apple Sidra is a soda that originates in Taiwan, making this a doubly special treat for me. I wish I had more access to the Asian sodas of the world as they bring so much unfamiliarity to my “buds”.

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Coca-Cola Georgia Peach

Coca-Cola Georgia Peach

Ah Summer! The sun beats down oppressively onto the pavement below. Just looking outside causes beads of sweat to collect on your brow. Nothing to escape this violent hellscape other than an ice cold Coca-Cola.

First off it’s Winter. Secondly, you should be drinking water if you’re sweating that much. Finally, todays soda review isn’t just for Coca-Cola, it’s for Coca-Cola Georgia Peach.

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Grapefruit Kiss

Grapefruit Kiss

I’ve never heard of the soda Grapefruit Kiss before, but here it sits in front of me in a beautifully labeled glass bottle. It looks as if it was designed in the 60’s or 70’s and its cane sugar sweetener keeps in step with the style. I haven’t always liked grapefruit sodas, but they have quickly become a favorite of mine in moderation. Here’s hoping that Grapefruit Kiss is a memorable one for all the right reasons.

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Coca-Cola California Raspberry

Coca-Cola California Raspberry

Georgia peach, Florida oranges, Maine lobster, California...raspberry? I’m self admittedly not the most knowledgeable on California produce, but I’ve never not once associated raspberries with them. Upon typing “California Raspberry” into Google I end up with results featuring the Coke I’m about to drink and a nail polish color.

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Fanta Green Apple

Fanta Green Apple

I’m always looking for sodas to review, and as the years go by it becomes harder and harder to do.  When I started I had to search out Virgil’s, Izze, Jones, and the like. Now those sodas are common staples at the end of almost every grocer’s soda aisle.  It’s getting harder to find new things I haven’t tried, but I sometimes find things where I least expect. Today’s entry I found in a car dealership vending machine.  Vending machines are great because they often have at least one odd selection, and you don’t have to commit to buying a pack of soda.

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Private Selection - Peach & Black Pepper

Private Selection - Peach & Black Pepper

I’m going through one of my trademark “dry spells” currently.  It may seem silly, but I have to be in the right mindset to write what I feel is a good review.  Correct mindset or not I’m still always on the lookout for a soda to try when I’m out and about. Fortunately for me my local Kroger contained a soda that caught my eye, Private Selection - Peach and Black Pepper.

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Fresca Black Cherry Citrus

Fresca Black Cherry Citrus

Ok, perhaps I should go into a bit more detail.  For those unaware, Fresca is made by Coca-Cola and is a citrus flavored beverage that favors grapefruit.  I like Fresca, not as an all-the-time drink but every now and again I enjoy it. My enjoyment of Fresca directly correlates to how old I feel.  “Wow, this is a refreshing, unique beverage…. Good God I feel like I’m 107”. I’m not sure why this occurs, but I associate the beverage with older people.  A citizen of the Carbo-Nation handed me a Fresca I’d never seen before, Fresca Black Cherry Citrus, and I knew I had to try it

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